IFPDA Print Fair | Conversation with Jenny Gibbs, the executive director of IFPDA | follow.ART


IFPDA Print Fair 2024, photo taken by Annie Forrest.

April 15, 2024 | follow.ART

IFPDA Print Fair | Conversation with Jenny Gibbs, the executive director of IFPDA | follow.ART

Full Article:

Madara Enzele and Jenny Gibbs, IFPDA Executive Director, in conversation about the IFPDA Print Fair’s return to Park Avenue Armory and the fair’s success. Specifically mentioning new initiatives taken since 2019, the positive feedback regarding programming on and off-site, and ways in which to engage with people familiar and unfamiliar to the world of prints.

“We’ve emphasized public programming, for example, this year we had panels with curators on topics like German Expressionism and also talks by artists such as Leonardo Drew who was in conversation with collector Jordan Schnitzer, and I could go on and on.”

They continue their discussion on AI and challenges facing current printmakers.

“I would say the biggest challenge stemming from this new definition of an original print concerns works on the market created without the artist’s involvement.”

Read the full article to find out more.

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